Kenanga Sustainability Report 2023

57 MANAGING OUR KEY ESG RISKS GOOD GOVERNANCE SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP EMPOWERING PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES APPENDIX We prioritise understanding our clients’ needs, preferences, and expectations, ensuring that our interactions are personalised and meaningful. Our approach to client experience is centred on delivering value and building enduring relationships founded on trust and satisfaction. Transparency and communication are integral to our approach, as we strive to keep clients informed and engaged throughout their journey with us. In addition to maintaining a myriad of customer touch points to facilitate open dialogues, we are guided by policies that are aligned to applicable laws and regulations, and we aim to ensure our marketing materials and claims embody a commitment to ethical principles which prioritise accuracy and honesty. Through our client-centric approach, we aim to build lasting client relationships that will serve to fortify the foundation that sustains our business for the long term. OUR APPROACH CLIENT EXPERIENCE WHY IT MATTERS As a homegrown brand that has evolved and grown over the last 50 years, we recognise that our success is the result of our relationships with our clients. Having served over 500,000 clients, we remain committed to continue delivering excellence through our products and services by putting our clients at the centre of all that we do. GRI 417 Responsible Marketing & Communication All information contained in prospectuses and memoranda are made available to the public in accordance with key applicable laws and regulations established by: Administered/ Regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives, and Consumerism of Malaysia Advertising Standards Advisory Malaysia Companies Commission of Malaysia Bursa Malaysia The Securities Commission Malaysia Law and Regulation Financial Services Act (2013) Consumer Protection Act (1999) Malaysian Code of Advertising Practice Company’s Act 2016 Section 30 (2) Bursa Securities Rules & Bursa Derivatives Rules Guidelines On Advertising For Capital Market Products And Related Services SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH